Syllabus Consulting offers consultants certified in project management, Scrum, information technology security, flight instruction.
Consultants have a range of experience in national defense issues, leadership, teamwork, coaching, and many other areas.
Disaster Support Network
Syllabus Consulting began in late 2022 to consult for the Locking Line Barriers Corporation. Key duties include building its capabilities through its nascent Disaster Support Network. The first line of effort is helping it capitalize on proprietary WaterBlocks and other flood control equipment by bringing these items to market and adding them to the Disaster Support Network for use in the event of disasters. The second line of effort is helping it create its wildfire prevention division, Wildfire Alarms.
Syllabus Consulting has negotiated one major agreement for Locking Line Barriers and continues to bolster the company’s operations with a focused consulting effort.

Syllabus Consulting began work in cooperation with a global company to initiate a project to create an exciting training simulator.
Unfortunately the client’s primary stakeholder was unable to commit to the project due to the onset of the global pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2.
The project had to be closed shortly after initiation.

Syllabus Consulting’s organizer was named to the Board of Advisors of the Disaster Support Network in December 2022 and assists with its expansion into air support of emergency management and its European interests. This partnership continues in 2024 with sustained success.
Syllabus Consulting entered an informal strategic partnership with Heartland Realty Associates and developed a business network around Northeastern Missouri. This partnership continues into 2024 with continued success.
Syllabus Consulting supports C2TI providing instruction to Air University’s Air Command and Staff College. This effort continues and provides our primary source of revenue.

Project: Acquire Real Estate
In this, one of many “Before” photos by Heartland Realty Associates: Biological residue coated the tile siding of this otherwise doughty century-old home in Northeastern Missouri. The stains became visible after untended growth was removed by Hometown Tree Service of Palmyra, Missouri.

In this, one of many “After” photos by Heartland Realty Associates: The stains shown on the “Before” photo were no match for a good pressure-washing. There is just a bit left to do as you can see in the upper left.

Project: Business Formation
2021: Syllabus Consulting provides consulting to a new business, Alpine Crossing, LLC. We set strategy, short- and long-term plans, and assisted initiation of their first real estate acquisition project.
Syllabus consulting entered a tactical partnership for one year from 2021-2022 with Team of Hope on a project to bring the Tapestri app to market. Further requests for support have been made in 2023 and are under evaluation.
The Tapestri app launched in the United States in June and enabled users to better control and monetize their data. Tapestri returns a dividend to end users who opt-in to submitting anonymized data that they normally provide to large enterprises with no remuneration. The app launched globally shortly after its US launch and has added features such as surveys and games for which users may receive compensation.
For more information please refer to this link:
Tactical Partnership with Team of Hope
Master's Degree-Level Professional Instruction
Our chief consultant began in late 2021 to instruct in Air University’s Air Command and Staff College’s courses on airpower in joint operations. This course teaches mid-level military officers to integrate knowledge from three prerequisite courses that combine historical air power application lessons with each service branches’ unique contributions to the operational level of joint warfare.
This effort continues with one to two courses per year.

Our chief consultant regularly offers a lecture on value-oriented leadership to the Technical University of Munich’s executive master’s in business administration.
Disaster Support Network
Syllabus Consulting proudly teamed with Joe Daniluk and his amazing folks at the cutting-edge Disaster Support Network company. Syllabus Consulting’s chief consultant is an advisor to the company and heads up its fledgling air support division.
Expect a lot more great news to appear from this effort as DSN increasingly becomes a player in emergency management efforts for public and private agencies and corporations.
Mississippi Traders
America’s New Community-Oriented Online Trading Post and Small Business Marketplace

Syllabus Consulting continues its effort to launch the Mississippi Traders website-based advertising and trading post service. MT will initially fill a need of small river-based communities that are underserved by current high-cost advertising and online trading markets, and will scale up as conditions permit.

What's Next?
Syllabus Consulting is ready to help you succeed in your next endeavor, whether government (public) or business (private).